Ruska Federalna sigurnosna služba (FSB) priopćila je u četvrtak da je spriječila nekoliko zavjera ukrajinskih obavještajnih službi da ubiju visoke ruske časnike i njihove obitelji u Moskvi korištenjem skrivenih bombi. Ukrajinska obavještajna služba SBU ubila je general pukovnika i načelnika ruskih postrojbi za nuklearnu, biološku i kemijsku zaštitu Kirilova 17. prosinca u Moskvi ispred njegovog […]
The main conceptual idea of the text is that Russia claims to have thwarted several Ukrainian assassination attempts on high-ranking Russian military officials and their families in Moscow using concealed bombs. The article details the FSB's accusations, including the recruitment of Russian citizens by Ukrainian intelligence, and describes the different methods used in the thwarted plots.
Essentially, the article presents a Russian perspective on a supposed Ukrainian attack, highlighting their security efforts and accusing Ukraine of terrorism.
The main conceptual idea of the text is that Russia claims to have thwarted several Ukrainian assassination attempts on high-ranking Russian military officials and their families in Moscow using concealed bombs. The article details the FSB's accusations, including the recruitment of Russian citizens by Ukrainian intelligence, and describes the different methods used in the thwarted plots. Essentially, the article presents a Russian perspective on a supposed Ukrainian attack, highlighting their security efforts and accusing Ukraine of terrorism.